Saturday 14 April 2012

Your Kid In The Front Row Reading Habits

I'm intrigued! Are you a regular? Is it your first time here? Do you have it bookmarked? Or do you subscribe by email? Or do you only read articles when you see my tweets or Facebook links?

Do you have a certain time of day you like to read the blog? Do you have certain types of articles that you prefer over others? Does the title of the article influence whether you'll read it?

Would love to know more about how you got here, why you're here, and how you read!

Care to share?


  1. I can't remember how I first discovered this place, but I've been visiting for over year and I drop by most afternoons or late at night, as and when I can access my computer.

    I don't respond to your tweets or Facebook links because I've actually deleted both of those accounts, mainly as a result of reading your articles on social media.

    I like the variety of content you post, it makes a refreshing change from review orientated blogs, and your titles don't influence whether I read or not, I tend to read everything.

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate that you drop by so often! And yeah, that was always a thing for me, to not be review-oriented. I would never know what to say! I'd say only about one in every twenty films I watch I feel able to review. My brain just doesn't work that way!

  2. I subscribe to your RSS feed - only to click through since your feeds are not fully delivered. Still, yous is one of the few partial feeds I will click through. Because it's a feed, I can read it at anytime.

    I like your insight and knowledge, but I love your love for stories (and how you tell them as well).

    1. Hey Mike, thanks for following through and reply.

      I'd be interested in your thoughts re: Partial Feeds... do you think I should share the whole articles? I'm open to reconsidering, just feel it is a little better for me this way. Would love to know your thoughts!

  3. I don't remember how I even found your blog but I'm glad I did. I click links from Twitter and FB but also stop by randomly to check in. Still behind on some of your posts since I've been working so much.

    I usually read after work, in the evenings. I really enjoy the motivational posts about just doing the work.

  4. It's my first time - Ricky Gervais tweeted your derek review.

  5. I started reading the blog a couple of months ago, i read everything but often not immediately. I visit first thing in the morning after checking my emails, facebook, daily mail etc.

    I like that the posts are all from the same person it makes it feel much more personal. I often find myself delving into the old posts. i also like not agreeing with you on many things like Adventureland - sorry :( but it makes for more interesting reading!

  6. I'm rather new to following your blog but have been reading it for longer. I am definitely hooked by the title of the post. What that means is I read those pretty quickly; the others when I have more time but I've read, at least, 80%. I don't comment often.

    However, I am a HUGE blog digger so I randomly and frequently, pick past posts to read. There you have it!

  7. I don't remember how I discovered the site but I love it. I follow through blogger and check whenever I have time. I generally check every post, no matter the title.

  8. I've read every post for probably two years. I subscribe on Google Reader and I get to it when I get to it, so I often have ten posts or so that I read at a time.

  9. I believe I discovered the site when Go Into the Story linked to one of your posts. I think it might have been about Bridesmaids? I explored a bit and decided to sub it and add it to my daily reads on Google Reader. I love the range of topics you cover and all the great insight you always provide!
