Sunday 22 January 2012

we were

long lost distant nights
somewhere else
and i was someone else
you're gone gone gone

long lost distant nights
all those places we called home
young and laughing
whispers of years gone by

long lost distant nights
coke cans ice cream vans
we used to be 24

long lost distant nights
were we ever really here at all?

Care to share?


  1. Sounds like a beautiful, unforgettable time. If this is rooted in your personal experience, my only question is what happened to this special person you spent this time with?

    I was going to propose that this is a piece of fiction, but I feel too strongly that it isn't. In my mind, she must have been wonderful. I fell in love with one at that exact age and I think about her all the time.

  2. Bruce: thanks for the comment!

    Is it fiction? I guess it is. I don't know really, I don't know what this is or even what it was about. Sometimes the words come and I couldn't really tell you what it's about.

    I just always find something poignant about the nights from years ago when we were all a bit younger and things were maybe easier.
