Saturday 7 January 2012

Friends In The Front Row

Anthony Abatte has been following my blog for about a year now (at a guess). He's that friend who just 'gets it', you know what I mean? Everyone has friends they write for -- and he has become one of them. We're just on the same wavelength somehow. As is often the case, he lets me know often that he likes my work, but how often do I say thanks, or say I like his stuff? Not nearly enough.

Tay and Val have sent me some of the nicest emails I've ever received -- they make you feel like you can not only inspire a few readers, but maybe inspire the world. And I guess, there's some truth in that -- for people to inspire the masses, you first need a few people who believe in you. And the weirdest thing is how --and I hope they don't mind me saying this-- I felt like, when they first contacted me, they saw me as someone to look up to in terms of creativity. But the funny thing is, I feel the same about them. They're out there, doing their fantastic projects -- and it's inspiring. Artists are on an even playing field; and it's great to know that I'm out there doing my thing and they're out there doing theirs. That support is what keeps people going.

Teri is kind and supportive in an unbelievable way. She comments here on the blog, she 'likes' my Facebook updates and she retweets my articles. And she forgives me after I've been grumpy or ranting about something. It always gets me, how people can be so kind and supportive -- what makes a person do that? I have no idea. Sometimes you just have to be happy that people exist. The thing about Teri is that she's so creative and alive and full of ideas; which is what makes her blog so interesting.

Semi is the coolest. She has a way of popping up with a comment or email that makes my day. And she blogs too. I don't know Semi that well; I just know that she's young and intelligent and can potentially achieve anything and everything. In fact, anything less than achieving EVERYTHING and I will be disappointed.

Happy Frog and I quietly gets on with her writing; occasionally popping up to tweet me, or comment here, or send me an email. It's exciting knowing Happy Frog and seeing her work blossom -- because I really feel the sense of a writer gaining momentum and confidence each time I read something new. That's another great thing about being part of this community of bloggers -- we get to witness something. The good writing, the bad writing, the indifferent middle ground. We see it all. That would be hell, except that everyone cares about each other which somehow makes it all WORTH IT.

Care to share?


  1. Thank you so much--this is so nice! I was having kind of a crummy day, and you put a smile on my face. :)

  2. Thank you very much for including me in your group of friends. Anything I know about you has been imagined by reading your site. I feel that we are peers in our love of film, writing and the need to share with others. Your posts inspire me to continue writing and keep editing. I'd love to see one of your films someday.

  3. It sure is hard to find great supporters more so those that comment. So great you appreciated your friends and followers with this post.

  4. TERI - Thank you, for how you support my blog!

    BRUCE/ANTHONY - Thank you thank you thank you.

    MICHELLE: I agree, it is hard! The thing often is that people do enjoy your work, but don't express it -- that is what I am starting to rectify with this post :)

  5. You've offered some great links, here. Thanks for that. I was just over at Paul's place earlier today. Left a comment for him, and had no idea he'd no longer be blogging. :( I have a feeling we'll see him back.

    That photo of Lemmon and Matthau made me smile. :)

  6. Whoa. You din't make my day - you made my year :O I was seriously hoping to get linked to all your awesome fans...and I found MY NAME. I will surely make you proud =')

  7. Semi is an amazing blogger and she is my very good friend. I didnt use to blog as much as Semi, but when I saw the verve in her, it made me do the same to. Love you Semi, And I respect you KITFR- to put her on the block. :)

    P Subbu.

  8. Thanks Kid. Your greatest inspiration for me is that you are willing to be vulnerable :) And by that, I mean living your truth, living your passion, making a open declaration that you are a writer, everything else is just to pass the time. This 2 sentences that you put on your profile gives me inspiration and resolution all the time. It's as if I too can exclaim, "I am a storyteller." And in a matter of fact way, know that I am, I can and then, I will just be. So thank you for doing what you do, and in this cycle of positive inspiration, I too can keep doing what I do.

  9. Dear Kid,

    In the process of creating
    More often than not
    We seek validation
    That we are worth
    What comes out of what we create

    You taught me
    The one person that needs to validate my work
    Is myself

    And only when that happens
    Can we reach out and touch people's hearts
    In places so deep
    So within

    You write for yourself
    That's why others read it
    Keep doing it
    Because it reminds others to keep on keepin'

    In gratitude,

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Kid, I kept meaning to come back to this post and say thank you and now I am. Your encouragement continues to mean so much to me from your inspirational posts and obvious work ethic to your support of people like me who are trying to find their voice.
