Tuesday 7 February 2012

Feedback: Creative Stuckness

Re: Creative Stuckness.

DONNA: You know, I post comments on blogs sometimes all day long. I can't tell you how impressed I am that you not only replied, but replied with style and content and sincerity. I don't know how long it might take me to finish my novel, but I will eventually. I promise myself that. BUT, thanks to your reply, I got a little motivation and actually finished a children's book I've been playing around with for months. Yeah, it needs work and I'll have to talk my 19 year old daughter into doing some illustrations for me, but I'm excited about it and it motivated me to start thinking about my novel again, so thanks. From the bottom of my heart.

LUCKY PUNK - I love your advice on Nothing Time, and also your kind responses to everyone. It would be so easy to be cruel and horribly funny about people's procrastination problems, but you chose to be actually helpful...

Care to share?

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to thank you for your detailed response to me also. I've been writing for the past few days. The muse has hit me pretty hard and I'm going with it. I stopped to check in to your site and see what the latest post was.

    Thanks again for reaching out to the readers.
