Monday 24 October 2011

New Logo / Banner

Here is the newly designed logo for Kid In The Front Row. Many of you have asked in the past for a banner so that you can link to my site. If you want to do that, please use this image. I hope you like it.

You may also have noticed a modified header at the top of the blog, which I'm extremely happy with! Credit goes to my wonderful friend Elena.

Care to share?


  1. I like it and it's going on my sidebar right now.

  2. Love it. It's good to have friends like Elena ;-)
    Veronique - French Girl in Seattle

  3. Wonderful! Kid's in the director's chair, too! ;)

  4. After some teething problems your banner is now fully operational on my sidebar.
    Please pass on my thanks to Elena.

  5. I had to scale it down a little bit to fit in on the side of my blog, but it's there now. You may consider making the words a bit bigger, if possible, because it's really hard to read if it's any smaller than that icon up there ^.
