When you're starting out in the industry it's hard, I get it. But the industry doesn't owe you anything. And that can really frustrate me about young actors; they feel like they are owed acting roles, owed great showreels, owed everything. But the industry owes you nothing. And the thing most of you don't realise is that there are thousands of actors out there working harder than you. You need to catch up.
Acting, like Producing and Directing, is creating. Something didn't exist and now it does. If you do a short film TODAY, then you have put something out there into the world. It is a part of your legacy. Now it may suck, so you may not want to make it. But what's better, a film that sucks or a film that doesn't exist? To begin with, just by making something that sucks, you wipe out 50% of the competition, because the other half is sitting in offices and supermarkets saying "I want to be an actor".
Most actors get a bit scared when they get DVD's of their performances. It's usually "oh God, I wasn't as good as I thought". But imagine if before doing that film; you had made five of your own shorts and acted in them-- chances are your performance in the DVD you just received might be a bit better.
There is no need for an actor to wait for roles, CREATE the roles. If you want to play a nurse, make a film about a nurse. You want to be an astronaut, be an astronaut. You want to play a whore, play a whore. "But I have no money!" you say. Okay, well - how about you and two other struggling actors make a short film set in one location. 'An Astronaut misses his last day of training due to being caught with a whore by his girlfriend - who uses her nursing skills to help the whore who's struck down by a fever.' - there you go. Grab a camera, shoot it. You have a film.

If you have showreel footage, you immediately overtake 80% of the actors currently doing the short film circuit.
Back to creating. Maybe you're scared by the term 'Producing'. A producer takes nothing and turns it into a product. He finds a story and finds the people needed to make it end up on the screen. You can do that. You can do it by borrowing your Aunt's camera, getting a friend to press record whilst you perform.

There is no need to be distraught if you are not getting roles, or if Directors everywhere are ignoring you or saying "I may be casting next month," who cares; a lot of their films will be terrible anyway.
Go watch 'Ellie Parker' - it's Naomi Watts in a horribly rough and cheaply shot feature film; but what she does in the film is show off every aspect of her acting skills. She proves to the world how great she is. You can do exactly that.
It will ruin you. If a casting director sees you on TV or in your showreel or, even worse, in the cinema and your performance is wooden and stagey - then you're screwed. So go pick up a camera; this is the most freedom you'll ever have as an actor. Go create, go and become the very characters you want to play. The ball is in your court - and you need to smash it right into the Casting Directors face so he can't miss you.
"I am getting my reel together soon" should not be a sentence you ever utter.
This was a REPOST from June 2009. The KITFW is currently on holiday, and will be returning very soon. Stick around this week though for some GREAT Guest Writers!
This is all so true! As an actor currently in pre-production for a webseries I've created I know how intimidating it is to start this process but that's seriously half the battle- getting started! Once you get the ball rolling it isn't nearly as scary as you'd think and WAY more gratifying than sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone to cast me.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely fantastic post! I'm gonna share it with my actor friends!
Wonderful post! I'm printing it for reference and motivation later! I also love the first commenter, AmbitiousB's comment. I have lived in L.A. for 9 mos now. I have had periods with lots of auditions and periods without....I'd much rather be creating my own work that waiting for the next audition to go to! If you want, you can check out my blog, at http://diaryofanewactorinhollywood.blogspot.com/ .
That's exactly what I did! After an acting coach brought this up (I kinda already had it in mind though), it just pushed me to do so :) And here is the result: my pilot episode! Day Zero -- http://blip.tv/dayzerotv/day-zero-episode-101-lethal-pilot-blipnew-5624752