Wednesday 10 February 2010

Screenplay First Draft Complete

The script may be genius, it may be awful. Right now, it doesn't really matter. 101 pages later, this baby is complete. The pressure has literally been lifted - I can feel it floating away into the ether, where I'm sure it will stay for at least a few hours.

A bath and a book to free my mind are now in order, before reading the whole thing through - before sending it off to my selected group for feedback.

I would write more but I have used up my allotted brain capacity for thinking of, and typing up words this week.

Care to share?


  1. Well done, Kid, congratulations. I hope it turns out to be very lucky for you.

  2. haha. awsome !! congrats on it. hope the re-reads come out good with minimum edits. thats the hard part. all the best :)

  3. awesome! It's the best feeling in the world! And give yourself a full 24 awake hours of enjoying it, because you FINISHED it! Revel in it!

  4. I have a little celebration every time I finish a page, a LINE, let alone the whole damn thing!

    It can make the whole process a little slow, though.

  5. I know that feeling exactly! FREE at last! And then the anxiety, the insecurity start creeping in....

  6. Congratulations! I hope to have this feeling sooner rather than later.

  7. Congrats! I'm still revising page 45 of mine. Ugh. Stupid second act.

  8. Yeah, the best is getting the first draft out of the way. The best writing, at least for me, comes in rewrites.

    Well, usually the 26th rewrite.
