Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Moment When COACH CARTER Reveals His Motivation

Well, let me tell you what I see. I see a system that's designed for you to fail. Now I know you all like stats so let me give you some. Richmond High only graduates fifty percent of its students. And of those that do graduate only six percent go to college; which tells me when I walk down these halls and I look in your classrooms, maybe only one student is going to go to college. Well damn, Coach Carter, If I ain't going to college, where am I going to go? Well that's a great question. And the answer for young, African American men in here is this: probably, to prison. In this county, thirty three percent of black males between eighteen and twenty four, get arrested. So look at the guy on your left, now look at the guy on your right. One of you is going to get arrested.

Growing up here in Richmond you're eighty percent more likely to go to prison, than college. Those are the numbers. Those are some stats for your ass. Now I want you to go home and look at your lives tonight, look at your parents lives, and ask yourself; do I want better? If the answer is yes, I'll see you here tomorrow. And I promise you, I will do everything within my power to get you to college, and to a better life.

Care to share?


  1. Word. Education in America is scary bad right now, wish we could clone the real Carter guy, big thanks to the creatives who brought his words and zeal to screen, and to you for sharing.

    Just came across, in case you haven't watched yet, recent Sorkin interview:

  2. Extremely interesting link. Thanks.

    Great scene too.

  3. This makes me think, there is always something uplifting in sports movies, isn't there?
    As an ex athlete, I find all inspirational speeches and victories in sport movies just cathartic.

  4. Coach Carter is a very attractive man.

    1. Such an amazing inspiration.

  5. Jack Wotherspoon why would you say Coach Carter is a very attractive man?

  6. Please keep this post respectable. If you don't have a valuable contribution, then please resist the urge to slander this post with nonsenical rubbish!

  7. ok i am sorry sir

  8. apology acccepted, but i would appreciate it if you didn't repeat your foolish actions.

    im out xx

  9. hi i do not know who you are but you seem like a very handsome man. i would really enjoy meeting you one day <3 love Ben Goldsworthy from Cowora xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
