What film would it be? And would you allow popcorn?
I don't really care how much the latest superhero film took at the box office, although I'd probably know if you asked me. When I watch a film the main thing I am looking for is a good story. I like it when I look up at the big screen and can see a part of me staring back at me. More than anything, I am still looking for Jimmy Stewart and Jack Lemmon and Billy Wilder in every film I see.
Shadowlands. Without question.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good question Kid. It'd be so hard to pick. I think I'd go with Kore-eada's After Life.
ReplyDeleteLife is Beautiful, Forrest Gump, The Lion King or Shawshank Redemption.
ReplyDeleteor on a lighter note, Weekend at Bernie's....
What a thoughtful idea. The first thing that comes to mind is The English Patient: just so lush and perfect...even though I'm not a romantic or The Big Chill for that joie de vivre. On a purely twisted level though I'd like to go out with a bang and pick something off kilter like Fight Club or The Shining.
ReplyDeleteErr.. this is a little twisted
ReplyDeleteI would most certainly allow popcorn. With butter, because I'm dead and I never ate butter on my popcorn while alive, it's so unhealthy, but what would I care once I'm gone?
ReplyDeleteThe film I would play would be "Love Actually." I would have them make everyone stay and watch it. It's got lovely sad parts to allow for the tears, funny parts to relieve the saddness and hopeful romantic parts to remind people to keep on living everyday they've got left. Always go the extra step, take the leap, make a fool of yourself because it wouldn't be living if we didn't.
ReplyDeleteThat would be totally kickass.
And, popcorn. Definitely popcorn. With lots and lots of butter.
Tough question. The first film that comes to mind is Waking Ned Devine. One of my favourite films :)
ReplyDeletePopcorn is most certainly aloud!
Wallace and Gromit in "The Wrong Trousers".
ReplyDeleteAn easy one, Dawn to the Dead, it's my fave film, most people know its my fave film plus i'd like to think that just as everyones leaving they give one final look back just incase i'm sitting up in my coffin.... BRAINS *munch*
ReplyDeleteIf it were a film that would represent me as a film nerd, it would be Citizen Kane because that's been my favorite movie since I saw it for the first time at age 11.
ReplyDeleteHowever, because I would have a captive audience who would pretty much have to be there, I would pick something that I think people SHOULD see that they normally wouldn't, so I would go with Eraserhead and leave people guessing what the hell I was thinking.
The Boat That Rocked, or Labyrinth.
ReplyDeleteBecause they're fun and quirky, and my favourites.
big fish :o)
ReplyDeleteBig fish. definitly. and buttery popcorn
ReplyDeleteMy Life Without Me or Singing In The Rain (and I would expect everyone to sing along, even those in the back row)
ReplyDeleteLegally Blonde!