Monday 1 March 2010

Best Entertainment Blog - 2010 Weblog Awards.

Kid In The Front Row won the 'Best Entertainment Blog' award last night at the 2010 Weblog Awards, or the bloggies, as they're also known.

I always try to be a bit Woody Allen about awards; mumbling about how I'm 'interested in the work, not the awards' but in truth, I am really excited by this. It's great to know people are interested in the site and its content.

I started the blog because I struggled to relate to the cynicism and negativity which often permeates the industry. I was tired of talented people I know who feel polarized and oppressed in this line of work. My hope was to focus on all the things we can, will, and do achieve. The struggles of a young actress, the pain of being a writer who can't write, the kid alone in the cinema, the geek with glasses who gets ridiculed for liking old movies, the dude who gets talked down to by film snobs because he loves big action films -- these are the people I wanted to write about, and for, because they are something special. They know the joy of being alone in a cinema and the pain of a DVD getting stuck 34 minutes in. They are Kids In The Front Row.

Thanks for being here, thanks for voting, thanks for the award.

Care to share?


  1. Truly inspirational post, and indeed your previous postings.

    Congratulations on your award - it is undoubtedly deserved... I hope it inspires others to know that your work can help, motivate and be viewed and appreciated by such a wide circle.

    Keep it up!!

  2. Oh my God, Kid! Well done!

  3. Congratulations. It's very much deserved.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! *flowers and confetti*

  5. Great job and congrads! This mission statement/acceptance speech of a post is exactly what I'm looking for in entertainment writing. There is a growing gap between today's critic and today's audience. I think you're doing a great job at attempting to fill part of that gap. I trying to start a similar approach at my own blog (

    I don't mean to promote the blog, I simply wanted to prove that there are more people out there who are craving a new form of entertainment writing. Once we can figure out how to write for the people (instead of the critics, artists, corporations, or even sometimes ourselves) we've really accomplished something. Keep up the good work!

  6. I'm glad my vote went to the right blog!!!
    I am totally thrilled for you, Kid. :)

  7. I raise my 54 oz coke and milk duds in your honor!

  8. Congrats. I know you had my vote.

  9. Congrats to you! I love reading your blog. You deserve it!

  10. Keep up the good work, Kid. :)

  11. Thank you so much everyone! I really appreciate the support!!
