Monday 11 June 2012

Screenwriting Program Completed!

For the last week, I have been working with six writers to produce six screenplays that are fifteen pages or under.

They all completed their projects in time for yesterday's deadline. It was a fascinating week. My job was to mentor the writers in any way I could to get them from the blank page to the final draft. Some were in touch with me a lot and used me as a sounding board, others just got on with their thing and got back to me on deadline day.

It was a great week. I certainly learned a lot, and I hope the writers did too! I'll be interviewing them and sharing their work here throughout the week. I'm really excited about it.

Care to share?


  1. This has been an AMAZING week! All it did was make me want to write more, of anything! I can't wait to see what everyone came up with!

  2. So excited! Great job you guys :)

  3. Good to here about completion. Great job. Thanks for sharing this information here with us.

  4. Well done to everyone who took part and I'm looking forward to reading the results.
