Friday 22 July 2011

Twentysomething Actors

There are so many. An entire generation of beautiful 27 year olds who all want to be actors.

But there's nothing inherently interesting about that. No reason why a casting director or an audience for that matter will give a shit.

The best actors quietly go and do the work. They just get better and better and work really hard. They get three lines in a movie but they really really work on making sure they have it nailed.

But most aren't like that.

Becoming an actor is something everybody does. Becoming a professional is only done by the few. What do I mean?

Every actor gets sexy headshots, but only a handful return phone calls. Every actor hits the 'apply for casting' button, but only once in a blue moon do they turn up on time for rehearsals.

The fame or celebrity doesn't mean anything. I know celebrities, and they all know it's fake. An illusion. But even if you want it, it's a by-product. Too many actors think they're celebrities waiting to get big.. so they walk around with a sense of entitlement, like they're something a little bit special.

The professionals just do the work. Quietly and dilligently make sure they're prepared. They put in the hours.

Talent is cool, it's useful. But more important is the hard work. You've got to act, got to train, got to create your own projects, got to watch a lot of acting. I know actors who say they're too busy to watch films. They're not very good actors.

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Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Murdoch's and News Corporation Stand For Everything I'm Against

This is why I love independent voices. 

The Murdoch's own EVERYTHING. They tell us what to think, what to feel. They own the news outlets, they own the film studios and TV stations. They own book publishing companies and radio stations and they even own sports teams!

But here are their two head honcho's, Rupert & James Murdoch, live on TV, being questioned by MP's. And they can't take accountability for anything! 

Hacked dead children's phones? Oh, we weren't aware!
Bribed police? Well it wasn't me!

It wasn't us, they say! 

They asked Rupert Murdoch flat out -- is this whole fiasco because of him? "No", he said. He's not taking responsibility for his own company. But why would he? The corporations aren't about individuals.

Evil is traditionally known as dictators and murderers. But in this day and age, a big part of evil is the big corporations mass handling people by the millions.

News Corporation own big news channels and publications the world over. In the UK; The Sun, News Of The World, The Times. Look at this list. They provide the news to you in Australia, in Fiji, in Japan, in Indonesia. 

But there's mass corruption. Back on July 7th I said, "The worst parts of this story aren't out in the public yet, it'll get worse before it gets better." And now we're seeing that happen. It's getting worse and worse.

So we have these guys who own our newspapers and TV stations and sports teams and film studios (they own half of 20th Century Fox) --- they own the world and when they're asked about all the disgusting things that happen in their organizations, they don't know! They plead ignorance!

And they've just been asked about "Wilful blindness." And they're shifting uncomfortably. 

This is great. Because corruption in the media so rarely gets investigated. A blind eye gets turned, and the Murdoch's go on owning everything. 

Maybe things are changing. The independent voices are more important than ever.

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Monday 18 July 2011

Writing: Start Now

I know what you're doing. You're waiting around for inspiration. You're sure it's going to hit soon. In fact, you kinda know what you want to write, but you're waiting for that flash of clarity.

That's how you die of old age. It's not how you write.

The brain is a fascinating and bizarre thing. Ideas and inspiration are locked up and you can't quite find the key.

It's because you're not writing.

Writing is where you explore, It's where you turn thoughts into art. When you put things on the page you'll start to see characters you never expected, and you'll be making associations and links you never planned.

And you'll write things that will amaze you. You'll look back and think "how did I come up with that?"

But it only happens if you write.

Just go for it. You won't actually die if it sucks. But if you keep sitting around just waiting for things to click into gear it's just not going to happen.

The best writers became the best writers by writing, not by waiting for the idea to click or the house to be empty or the summer to pass.

You have to write now. Let your brain know you mean business. Once you delve in, it gets easier, because your creativity is on your side.

There are writers out there writing three screenplays a year. Or 22 sitcom episodes. Or they're doing both whilst also finishing a novel and raising three kids.

And there's you, four years after it was six years since you started being a writer, and you're still waiting to be inspired.

Start writing now.

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Sunday 17 July 2011

Jorge & Alexa Narvaez

'Kid In The Front Row' - what does it mean? Well, the obvious interpretation -- it means to love movies so much that you're like an excited kid in the front row. But furthermore, when you look at the content of what I write about--- I'd say it's equally about trying to maintain that essence of childhood in your creative work. The play, the fun, the experimentation. It's about not getting caught up in your head every time you create something.

"In my house we follow four guidelines -- family, community, art and music"
-Jorge Narvaez

Jorge & Alexa Narvaez are the perfect example of what it is to be a Kid In The Front Row. A Father & Daughter team who like to have fun. To sing, create, and have a good time.

The naysayers on YouTube criticise her voice, but they're missing the point. The reason it has twelve million views on YouTube is not because it's perfect. It's because it isn't perfect. At least not in the way we've become accustomed too.

The video connects so deeply because of the connection of Jorge and Alexa. Look at how she casually leans on him while they're singing (in the first video). Look how encouraging he is. Look how comfortable she is. Of course, she's lovely and cute, but more than that--- she's FREE! She's having fun! Totally comfortable singing and creating.

All the comments say the same thing. They say "What a great Father!". And you can't help but think he's fantastic. He's in his mid-twenties, and he's taking the time to do this with his daughter. It's such a rare thing to see. Look at the joy in their faces!

I have been watching their videos non-stop for a few days. You just can't help but be drawn to their magic, their connection, their love for each other. It's so rare to see. Love gets distorted and confused and hidden and made to look complicated. Instead of saying 'I love you' we create barriers and hire lawyers and make incomprehensible art.

Jorge & Alexa Narvaez just do the simplest thing. They're just a family sitting down and singing. Yet they're the most truthful, honest, and downright lovely thing you could ever hope to see.

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ALMOST FAMOUS And The Family Whistle

NOTE: This blog post previously began with a clip of a scene from 'Almost Famous'. The clip is no longer available on youtube.

Subtle is the hardest thing of all. Everyone wants more. But this scene is one of my all time favourite scenes, of any film, ever. And you could say that nothing happens in it.

But for me, everything happens in it.

Cameron Crowe is great at that. The little moments.

Penny and William are leaving the auditorium long after the concert has finished and the bands have gone home. It's that moment three hours after the thing when you're with someone and the moment means something. We've all had them, but they're impossible to capture in art.

But paradoxically, that is exactly what art is for. To capture those precise moments.

In this scene we have a fifteen year old boy fulfilling his dream. And falling in love. And feeling the pressure from his Mother who wants him to be a lawyer (the whilsting in the background is her.. it's a great touch).

And Nancy Wilson's musical score is perfect. The scene wouldn't work without it. A Crowe film isn't a Crowe film without Wilson's score. Cameron Crowe and Nancy Wilson recently announced their divorce, which could well mean an end to their collaborations on the big screen, but I hope not.

Almost Famous isn't about the bomb dropping or the car exploding. It's about the way people look at each other. The way they feel. The music they love. It doesn't get any better than this.

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