Is it really how we are now, as humans, that we can't watch a movie for 93 minutes without needing to text and tweet?
Why are you going to the cinema? What are you in there for? Is it not for the experience of indulging in something entertaining, or educational or at least, something to take you away from your life for an hour or two?
Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe the whole point of going to the cinema is to text people and read Facebook news feeds, but I don't think it is. So what's the deal?
The dude next to me today at the screening of 'The Lottery of Birth', got a text message about twenty minutes into the film. It beeped loudly, of course. He took out the phone and then began texting.
Then the other person text him back.
So the guy and his distant friend continued texting again and again. Tap tap tap click click and again and again. I was lenient at first, after all, it could be an emergency. "Help!!! My house is on fire so I'm texting you!!!!!!!!", but again, I doubt it.
Tap tap click tap beeep vrrrrmmm tap tap, I couldn't take it anymore. I asked him to stop. And to be honest, the guy was nice about it. He seemed genuinely apologetic yet also completely unaware that the bright sparkly lights from his phone and the tap tap tapping could be distracting.
The phone continued to vibrate. And a few times he coughed and 'accidentally' pressed the button on his phone, enabling him to have a sneaky peak at his messages.
I understand his problem. The incoming text promises much excitement. Also, he might be newly in love and texting the girl of his dreams. Perhaps they fell in love due to a mutual love for pressing thumbs against smartphone screens.
But is this what we're becoming now? Is there any moment in daily life when we put the phones down and experience something? I'm surprised he didn't take a picture of me and tag it on Facebook, "me and anti-phone dude".
I can see how the guy who wants no distractions in the cinema annoys people as much as the distractioner himself, but I'm at a film festival! This film has three screenings in London then we may never see it in the UK again. Surely it's worth watching, worth giving yourself over to what's on screen for a couple of hours?
I see these people ignoring important moments, missing out on subtitles, half-laughing at funny bits to keep up with the audience who are laughing---- it's crazy, why not watch the movie! Of course, the knock on effect is that I miss the movie too, because I'm so caught up it what the phone-people are doing.
I've done it myself, I guess that's why I'm so sensitive to it. We all text and tweet as if it's a temporary hobby, we check texts while under the illusion that we-just-have-to-check-the-next-one-because-it's-super-interesting.
Text messages are never super interesting. They're never anything. They're just a distraction from being in the moment, from having an experience.
But this is our lives. People need to realise it's all a conspiracy, another way it which we've been numbed and dumbed. We're subservient to small black portable devices. Why are people so comfortable with becoming so insane?
You're missing movies. Missing conversations with the people in front of you. Missing the whole world while you tap tap tap vrrrrrmmmm beep. And worse than all that, you're driving me crazy!